TrendVectorAviation International, Inc.


Inquiry Page

Please do not send e-mails regarding sales, invitations, questionares and other information unrelated to our business.

The answer to your inquiry may be undelivered if the email address you have entered is incorrect, or if your mail server is full.

The answer to your inquiry is for your use only. Please do not copy, reprint, or reuse in any form.

We may not be able to respond to some inquiries depending on its matter. Also, please note that some inquiries may require some time to answer.

When you agreed above conditions, you can contact us with following.


Guam Office Tel: (671)473-4100 Fax: (671)473-4101

If you are unable to reach us at the Guam office, you can also call our employees on their cell phones.
Please note that we may not be able to answer the phone during flights or other busy times, so we would appreciate it if you could send us a text message (SMS) in that case.

  •    Cell phone #1 (English) 671-487-4854
  •    Cell phone #2 (Japanese & English) 671-898-8970


E-mail: info@trendvector,com